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Get to Know her — You need her

Dr Susan Koruthu is a licenced multifaceted life psychologist, mind wellness practitioner and human relationship expert. She is a result-oriented client-focused personal transformation coach, psychotherapist, character & personality disorder therapist, NPD expert, life skills coach, student counsellor, fertility therapist, parenting expert, marriage & family therapist, couple efficiency coach, private counsel to teens and parents, karma and faith therapist, human sexuality coach & therapist, personality and behaviour development specialist. Dr Susan Koruthu is a business psychologist who helps the victims of antisocial behaviours and personality disorders in businesses. She is an experienced corporate wellness coach and counsellor who help employees and leaders to successfully deal with workplace issues, performance stress and anxieties, and career progress challenges. Dr Susan is a personal advisor to business owners, leaders on performance strategies, people management, organisational culture and behaviour. She started her career with WHO street children rehabilitation project in Kerala. She runs her own life and mind wellness practices in Dubai.

Seek Help — it's never too late

Dr Susan helps you overcome your psychological, behaviour, character, personality and mind related issues faced in personal, family, marriage, social, and career areas. There is no medicine used in her therapies. If you are already taking medications, you can be weaned from the medication through specially focused therapeutic sessions. You can seek her help if you are suffering issues such as personality disorders, behavioral issues, confidence issues, self-sabotage, early addiction issues, relationship issues, career stagnation, workplace issues, sexual behavior issues, fertility issues, living a troubled marriage, conduct disorders, teenage behaviour issues, social anxiety, stress, victim of a trauma or abuse, victim of narcissistic abuse, product of a dysfunctional family, victim of an abusive marriage, partner neglect and abuse, suffering from karma and living in regret. You can benifit from her skill-based eclectic theraputic counselling, learning skills coaching, life skills coaching, parenting skills coaching, marriage preparation coaching, career and business skills coaching. You can take virtual sessions with Dr Susan Koruthu from any part of the world.

How it works — Simple as 1, 2, 3, 4


Contact us by phone, WhatsApp, email or webform


Book an initial session of 60 minutes for getting to know, presenting and analysing the problem


Forming a therapeutic /progressive relationship, agree on the nature, type, time and duration of sessions


Successful completion of sessions, achieve desired results, detach from regular sessions. Maintain a healthy detached relationship



Helps managing the narcissistic personality disorder, building confidence in the victim overcome emotional damages and successfully rebuild their life


Helps you overcome marriage and couple issues, resolve inter-personal and adjustment issues. Prepare you for a successful and happy marriage.


Helps leading a regret-free life, overcome past failures, and achieve your dreams using the power of subconscious, faith and the law of attraction..


Helps overcome issues in your life like personal, professional, financial, social, marriage and family. Attract health, wealth, success and happiness.


Helps you be an efficient parent, a functioning spouse and a responsible family person. You will build parental competencies to create a healthy family.


Helps overcome the mental block, self-blame, hurt, anxiety, panic, guilt and shame and be confident to become successful in your fertility treatment


Helps the teens and preteens to live every area of their life successfully such as personal, study, career, marriage, family, financial and social life


Helps overcome business or workplace issues, workplace politics, improve performance and facilitate professional growth and business success.



Client Sessions


Trainings & Workshops


Virtual Client Sessions


Virtual Training Workshops

Regarding the impact of all these sessions on our two sons, I am very happy with the outcome, Both of them are much better persons as individuals and with their peer group and family. I would definitely pass on any teenager to the guidance of Dr. Susan. It is so good to get this kind of support in this current world. Even those areas which parents are unable to get through to their children are well dealt with in this environment.
George and Teresa
Wow, I could relate to you so well ’the effects of imposter syndrome’ …it was such a cultural thing. We were brought up by our parents to be humble... let others talk about your achievement. We were not allowed to talk.. it was considered arrogance. Really it leads to low self esteem. Thank you ma’am for such a wonderful podcast. I am at peace and forgave my mom after listening to your podcasts. We need to listen to this podcast over and over again to outgrow this trait. Thank you ma’am,
I heard your radio talk when I was 2 months pregnant and I suggested to my husband to take a parenting preparation session with you. We wanted to clear our pregnancy related doubts and learn the right parenting skill in taking care of our kid. We wanted to learn it from and authentic person. You have explained to us everything in detail as told us that it is not that easy job to be a parent. We have confidence that we will follow your advises. We are confident that if we are in doubt we can reach out to you any time. We are happy and thankful for meeting you, knowing you and learnt from you. Thank you so much, you are great,


Omnifood app on iPhone

Transform your parenting and teen life with 'I Am Your Teen Speaking, lead a progressive life with 'Design Your Life to Build a Legacy.' A dynamic duo for growth, connection, and lasting impact.

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Dr.Susan Koruthu

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The Gospel of Reality

Subscribe to The Gospel of Reality




Dr Susan Koruthu shares her wealth of experiences that will help you live your dream life in a highly demanding world with freewill and conviction.



The One Page Advisor, authored by Dr Susan Koruthu, is a monthly release that provides insights on life psychology and mind management.



Words of Wisdom by Dr Susan Koruthu is a weekly released message that motivate you to develop the right values, ethics and morals in life.



A weekly released psychic satire created by Dr Susan Koruthu, is a mirror to human behaviour that will tickle your mind to think and respond.

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