Life is a project that you work on every day. But you do not have any control over the start and the end date of the project. Whether you like it or not, it has been given to you. You have been chosen to build it. You cannot question it or change it. Modifications may be possible up to a certain level. It is up to you to decide how big or small you want to develop it. You also have the right not to do anything with the project. Ultimately, your thoughts, choices, and actions during your time on this earth will decide the magnificence of the project. Be a responsible builder who leaves a legacy for generations to rejoice in and follow. It is not how you start but how you finish it, which matters.
Nature has planned every phase of your life in such a way that you are systematically oriented towards realising your dream project. You should acquire the skills that are essential for each stage to lead a successful life.
Everyone wants to be successful, and you too. There is only one mantra for success, and that is your 3 Ps – Passion, Plan, and Performance. There will be a million things available around you. It is up to you to identify what your passion is and what career you want to choose. Once you have identified your passion, 50% of your worry is over. Then comes the Plan; design a robust plan for turning your passion into a saga of success. Finally, the committed and dedicated performance ensures your plan is implemented well. In short, to be successful, you should be clear about your passion, plan, and performance. Please ensure that you give equal importance to all 3 Ps. No doubt, not everyone, but only a few, can achieve success. Success has only one meaning, but the perception and feeling differ from person to person.
Success is a relative term. What you consider as success may not be a success for others and vice versa. You should accept the unpleasant fact that in your journey towards success, you are alone. Your success is only your business. No one else is ardent to achieve it other than you. Therefore, do not expect anyone else to be concerned about your success. To build you successful, you should first understand yourself well, accept yourself unconditionally, and be able to regulate yourself in any given situation.
You should win yourself first to win others. Trust yourself first to gain the trust of others. Be confident in yourself to win the confidence of others. To enjoy success, you should continuously invest in yourself and relentlessly upgrade your knowledge and skills. You may have dissimilarities in the areas of success. But to be successful, you should be clear about the four critical components.
Beliefs -
are the foundation of life. Your beliefs are formed from your thoughts. Belief is a subjective truth; at the same time, it is your objective truth too. Belief is a lens through which you see the world. Keeping your lens clean and effective to capture a clear and apt view of the world around you is one of your key responsibilities.
Values -
are the pillars of life. The strength and precision of your values will decide the strength of your life. Values must be learned in the early stages of your life and should be stable throughout your life. Therefore, choose your values wisely.
Habits -
are the building blocks of life. The discipline, alignment and strength of your habits provide shape and strength to your life. Be cautious about building your habits as once it is formed, you will never be able to eliminate it from your life. Your struggle is more to stop a habit than the effort that you took to build it. When you remove letter by letter from HABIT – A = A BIT – A = BIT – B =IT remains. This explains how difficult it is to remove a habit once formed. You should be vigilant in forming your habit..
Attitude -
Your attitude decides the altitude of life. It provides beauty and a feel for your life. Attitudes should be checked every day as it can change as per the nature of the events happens in your life. You should ensure that your attitude is within your control.
When you acquire the essential skills to blend these four components in the best combination, you lead a successful life.
It is not how long you live, but how well you live matters. If the creator decides to call off the project at any stage, you should be prepared to end it triumphantly. If you have to leave before the completion of your project, the project you leave incomplete must be inspiring enough to attract followers. Therefore, always be conscientious by ensuring that you do the best work every day and every moment.
posted on 23 November 2020
posted on 17 February 2021
posted on 18 March 2021