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Dear Susan Ma’am We had a wonderful time with you. You were really close to us and made us laugh. This was a really good course. Thank you for the great time!
Dear Susan, It was a wonderful experience with you. Now I know who I am and I am independent. I am living my life the way I wanted or dreamed. For me it is like a ‘dream come true’. Thank you for helping me.
Home Management
Regarding the impact of all these sessions on our two sons, I am very happy with the outcome, Both of them are much better persons as individuals and with their peer group and family. I would definitely pass on any teenager to the guidance of Dr. Susan. It is so good to get this kind of support in this current world. Even those areas which parents are unable to get through to their children are well dealt with in this environment.
George and Teresa
The sessions have been very fulfilling, and have definitely impacted my day to day life. I have seen a positive change in my life, and I am certain that the sessions have been a great factor. In all, I personally feel a better sense of anticipation and readiness for my transition, so I would thank Susan ma’am for showing great dedication in walking us trough these valuable sessions.
Joseph George
Susan is one of those rare people who light up a room when entering it. She is always positive and works hard to achieve set goals. It was a privilege to work with her.
Norman Hall
Thank you for giving myself back to me in full swing. I will always be grateful for everything that you have done for me. You are the most pleasant person I have ever met in my life. Thank you for giving my dreams back to me. Hope to see you soon and hope you will always be there for me.
Krishna Pradeep
The sessions I have been attending have been quite beneficial towards my social and individual life. I have managed to apply the skills I have learnt, in order to overcome the challenges I face. These sessions have also helped me to see beyond my own abilities. Moreover, I thank Susan ma’am for assisting me in order to shape my career.
John George
My brief session with Susan ma’am was a wonderful experience. It has helped me changed a lot. It has given me a stronger desire towards all notions of life and try to understand myself better as well. Overall, it has given me a great impact and will remember these classes throughout my life for a successful life. For this I would like to thank Susan ma’am and team for this initiative
Sidharth Suresh Nair
The teen grooming workshop was an exceptional experience for my children, Maria, Bina and Manna and for me as a parent too. The feedback from my children has helped me think differently in bringing them up. Susan maam’s review meeting was very specific and she has given an outline on how to mould my children towards a better future. Thank you ma’am. God bless. Regards,
Dr. Brigitte
Thank you so much Susan ma’am for the amazing sessions. Now I have the confident to be a better parent. You gave the right affirmation and insight. I really enjoyed the way of presentation.
IT Professional
I heard your radio talk when I was 2 months pregnant and I suggested to my husband to take a parenting preparation session with you. We wanted to clear our pregnancy related doubts and learn the right parenting skill in taking care of our kid. We wanted to learn it from and authentic person. You have explained to us everything in detail as told us that it is not that easy job to be a parent. We have confidence that we will follow your advises. We are confident that if we are in doubt we can reach out to you any time. We are happy and thankful for meeting you, knowing you and learnt from you. Thank you so much, you are great,
IT Professional
Dear Susan ma’am, I am very satisfied and happy with the course. You taught me a lot and the way I perceive myself and other have changed. My self confidence has increased and I stopped caring too much bout unnecessary judgments. I have learned to set boundaries. The six months have been a rally good experience for me. Thank you for everything you taught me.
Malavika Byju
Wow, I could relate to you so well ’the effects of imposter syndrome’ …it was such a cultural thing. WE were brought up by our parents to be humble... let others talk about your achievement. We were not allowed to talk.. it was considered arrogance. Really it leads to low self esteem. Thank you ma’am for such a wonderful podcast. I am at peace and forgave my mom after listening to your podcasts. We need to listen to this podcast over and over again to outgrow this trait. Thank you ma’am,
Ma’am, I am reading your book, I started with the how to design the life, half book now I finished, it is superb. Ma’am I pray you should write more and more books for people like us for inspiration and ma’am please write two books a year so that we can read many from you… thanks, god bless you and use you to be a blessed inspiration to many.
As a new business owner I knew the importance of vision mission and core values for a business. I have learned about them by reading books and interacting with other established business leaders. But it was only after attending a three-day business owner mentoring workshop with Susan I learned to create a robust vision, mission and core values for my business. It was a truly game based programme which provided experiential learning and high level of interaction. I highly recommend this programme to every aspiring business owners.
Rashmi Nair
Architect and Health Coach
I was doing my home based interior designing for few of my friends and relatives around five years ago. It was after undergoing a personal and professional grooming programme with Susan I become aware of my true potential and how important it is to develop a successful career by using my potential. She has helped me in deciding my career as an interior design consultant. Now I am running my own consultancy of interior designing. After attending Susan’s business leadership programme based on blue ocean strategy I am confidently developing my business to the next level. I am now developing my unique brand of home décor. Thank you Susan for a wonderful programme! You are a true passionate coach who is always with your clients in their journey to success.
Meva Mathew
Owner Trinity Interiors
You are the best Psychologist I ever met. You are innovative, creative and helpful.
Dr. Abdul Rasak
Psychiatrist Mediclinic, Dubai
Your book ‘Listen mom and dad I am your teen speaking’ is excellent. I wish I had it a few years ago, which would have helped me to brought up my teenage sons much better. The book has everything a teen and parent need to know. I am learning from my mistake after reading this book. I have recommended it to my friends.
Neenu Jacob
Self Employed
My son was having difficulty in reading and write. His handwriting was not legible, did not like to go to school and had difficulty in focusing and learning. He was showing anger to everyone and not able to mingle with others. After the completion of one year Continuous Skills Development Programme (CSDP) there was considerable improvement in his overall personality and character. His social behaviour improved He started to read and write properly In fact the boy who disliked reading has now started to force us to buy books for him Back in our hometown every person who knew him said he has improved a lot. Everyone was happy and excited about the positive changes in him We are very happy that we choose this programme and we received committed help from Susan ma’am and her staff
Susan Matthew