Warning: Read further only if you are ready to invest in your kid’s life success!
Teenage is the best time to instill life skills and life values into a person. Developing and maintaining a healthy and confident character and a success-driven personality is vital at this stage. Today, teen personality and character development require professional help as they live in both the physical and virtual worlds. The teens must be able to develop right value system, ethics and morals in their life. They must develop a healthy and empathetic character and best suited personalities in every functioning areas of life. Parents should invest in the personal development of your kids before investing in any other areas their life. Counselling and therapy must be given at the onset of any behavioural issues. Your teenager should be able to function independently, learn and apply the life skills so that you can be a confident parent of a successful teen. The teenage grooming is the best investment a parent can make for their teens as it will provide with them the right life skills and guidance to become successful and happy individuals. There are various programs to help teenagers design and build their lives into the best saga of achievements in every area of their lives.
The teen life is highly fertile and any seeds of thoughts fallen into their mind will sprout. They need to develop a strong character to identify and accept the right messages and develop good thoughts to form strong beliefs that help them build a great human life. At the same time, they must identify and reject any wrong messages entering their mind by setting good boundaries and forming a good defence mechanism. The character of a person is revealed through their personalities. A person possesses one character but projects many personalities. Everyone has unique personality traits and how you treat those traits becomes your personality. One should know his/her unique character and must be able to develop a suited personality to the different areas of functioning such a family, workplace, university or school, social, financial and spiritual. One who knows the skills of developing the best-suited personality can be effective in any scenario of life. Sessions are conducted individually and in groups. An individual session can take up to 12 hours and the group will take up to 18 or 24 hours based on the number of attendees. Classes are conducted virtually and you can join the classes comfortably from your home.
The key area of focus for kids and teens is their behaviour formation. The behaviour is directly connected with a person’s character and personality. When there are developmental issues such as ADHD and ADD that are unattended, they will form behavioural issues like oppositional defiant disorders and conduct disorders. An unhealthy environment such as problem family, bullying at school, peer pressure, lack of discipline, absence of ethical and moral values, the bad influence of the cyber world, and lack of social interaction can lead to defective behaviour formation. The SECURE therapeutic counselling and behaviour modification therapy help deal with defective behaviours, attention deficit issues, hyperactivity, anger, stubbornness, social phobia, low self-esteem, self-confidence, faulty beliefs and motivation issues. Behaviour issues may lead to performance issues. The low scorers are not intentionally become low scorers. But they may be faced with various behavioural issues, faulty beliefs, low mental health, and faulty or weak ego development. When they receive the right help with academic performance coaching, they are high achievers and well-behaved students. When a student shows signs of such issues or started to score low marks than before, do not wait too long hoping for imrovements rather seek the right professional help to deal with the root cause of the issues. Sessions are conducted individually and can take 24 to 48 sessions based on the severity of the issues. Sessions are conducted virtually.
Today’s teens are facing various pressures in life. Many suffer from a low level of psychological health. The lack of appropriate guidance and timely behaviour corrections are creating malfunctioning personality in them. They tend to fall into depression and other psychological issues such as self-hatred, imposter syndrome, self-deception, role conflict, addictions, performance issues, lifestyle personality disorders, interpersonal and communication issues. Many teens face relationship and performance anxiety issues as they have no idea of how to handle the pressure and malfunctions. The unrealistic demands put on them by self and others, transference on parental success, self-doubts and lack of role clarity, sexual abuse, sex orientaion issues, lack of trust in own capability and wrong role models, celebrity worship syndrome are some of the reasons for teen anxiety and depression. The relationship issues must be handled with care. The lack of self-love, self-esteem and credibility issues leads to teen psychological issues. Dr Susan is an expert in handling all sorts of teen lifestyle psychological issues such as anxiety, chronic stress, depression, addictions, sex and relationship issues, antisocial behaviour, teen discipline issues, parents-teen relationship issues, teen-sibling issues and academic performance issues and any type of problem behaviours. The nature and duration of the sessions depend on the nature and severity of the issues. Sessions are conducted virtually on a one-on-one basis to maintain confidentiality. Depression can be prevented if you seek appropriate therapies at an early stage.
Childhood is a time of experiments. A child’s mind is like a fully functional research lab and they are always in the process of creating new thoughts and beliefs based on the learning and experience they get. In the development process, they may get into unwanted or wrong behaviour unintentionally. This can create fear and guilt in them. To lead a healthy and profitable life, one should lead a regret-free life by living mindful ways. It is essential to remove any fear or guilt from your child’s mind to live better. The intensity and reasons for fear and guilt will not be visible to oneself and others as it may only come out through targeted therapeutic processes. Fear and guilt can lead to self-deception, self-hatred, and self-defeating beliefs, eventually leading to life failures. When you observe any abnormal behaviour in your teen, make sure you seek professional help before it is too late. When teens suffer fear, neglect, and guilt for a more extended period of time, they may eventually suffer from chronic stress, anxiety, self destructive behaviours, family and socially defective behaviours, depressions and later lead to more serious problems like vasovagal syncope and pyromania. Hurt and Regret Removal therapy helps you to overcome any regrets from your past decisions and actions. Therapy can save you from self-hurt and self-harming behaviours and help you come out from past decision traps, overcome stagnation and negativity, increase positivity and build a well functioning, happy, productive and successful life. Sessions are conducted virtually.
Adolescents are faced with the vital task of career choices as they progress through secondary schooling. In grade 10, they must choose their subjects combinations that are related to their desired career. Preparation for career-related subject selection decision-making process must start at grade 8. Students must be aware of different careers, changing nature and versatility of any career, and time orientation. After school, they need to move confidently onto a university program that can give them a progressive career. Career guidance experts are licenced professionals who help teenagers choose the study and design their career path to fulfill their dreams and ambitions by career decision-making and career strategic planning. You can complete your student career guidance in 5 to 6 sessions in normal cases. During the session, the career experts will discuss your educational goals, current performance levels, the desired academic scores, the gaps, career aims, personal decision-making abilities, influential factors, career building blocks, career milestones, surroundings and circumstances. Tests that can be administered are pencil paper tests for personality, career interest inventory psychometric tests. Some tests are available free of cost or can be purchased online. The career counsellor will help the teen to design an appropriate career strategic plan based on the career SWOT analysis. Sessions are conducted virtually and you can join the sessions comfortably from home at a suitable schedule.
The fundamentals of life building program is designed and delivered by Dr Susan Koruthu, a teen and parenting expert. Deilvered in a virtual workshop format this is a one-year program focused on developing essential life skills for teens and preteens. After completing the program your teen will develop resilience skills to face failures and challenges in life, mental toughness to handle criticism and overcome hurt and anxieties, thinking skills to find better solutions and make choices, people management to deal with people and opinion, essential life skills for effective living, emotional and social intelligence to manage emotions, family and social behaviour, behavioural skills to develop character and personality, confidence and motivation skills to achieve goals amidst obstacles, learning skills for better study and memory, exam management skills to deliver better results, career guidance to choose the best suited careers and develop career strategies, performance management to be effective and accoundable in various life roles, clarity on responsibilities & deliverables, cyber behaviour to develop healthy cyber practices, public speaking including group presentation and media presentation skills, mind wellness to maintain a healthy mind amidst issues. Virtual workshops are conducted every week, 2 hours sessions (total 384 hours) using experiential learning methods.
Helps managing the narcissistic personality disorder, building confidence in the victim overcome emotional damages and successfully rebuild their life
Helps you overcome marriage and couple issues, resolve inter-personal and adjustment issues. Prepare you for a successful and happy marriage.
Helps leading a regret-free life, overcome past failures, and achieve your dreams using the power of subconscious, faith and the law of attraction..
Helps overcome issues in your life like personal, professional, financial, social, marriage and family. Attract health, wealth, success and happiness.
Helps you be an efficient parent, a functioning spouse and a responsible family person. You will build parental competencies to create a healthy family.
Helps overcome the mental block, self-blame, hurt, anxiety, panic, guilt and shame and be confident to become successful in your fertility treatment
Helps the teens and preteens to live every area of their life successfully such as personal, study, career, marriage, family, financial and social life
Helps overcome business or workplace issues, workplace politics, improve performance and facilitate professional growth and business success.