Warning: Read further only if you are ready to invest in your business success!
Many organisations suffer from employee wellbeing issues and staff disengagement. Organisations spend valuable resources to create processes driven solutions to address the issues without understanding the real reasons behind the issues which is the mental wellbeing such as, performance anxiety, structure confusion, personal as well as organisational stress, target tension, workaholic behaviour, burnouts as well as lack of essential workplace skills.
The business generates income or financial security for you. It is where you develop your career and make money. Every organisation has its nature and culture. The health of its employees determines the health of the organisation. People consider their working place as their second home and for some, it is the first.
Dr Susan Koruthu is an experienced business psychologist with an MBA in leadership and strategic management with over 25 years of experience in counselling and skills coaching. She worked with large organisations to small businesses, from leaders to followers, in building successful businesses and personalities. You will learn from a coach who is experienced in handling employee issues, layoffs and organisational restructuring.
Conducted as individual sessions and group sessions to help deal with the employees and organisation's specific issues such as stress and anxiety, personal and team problems, motivation issues, performance issues, bad politics, burnout and relationship issues. Counselling sessions are conducted in a confidential and growth-oriented environment to target specific problems and overcome any people and performance issues. You can have personalised professional counselling sessions and skills coaching and personal grooming to develop your business or career personality to its best form. You can build your managerial skills, mindset, behaviour and attitude to achieve maximum success in your professional areas. You will be able to balance your work and personal life.
The leadership grooming program is tailor-made counselling and skills coaching to build the best-suited leadership personality that can bring progress and success both for self and business. You are born with certain leadership traits but the skills are learned. You will be able to understand your inborn leadership traits and how to develop a best-suited leadership style. You will learn the leader behaviour that promotes the best performance in the team.
A client-centered tailor-made program improves performance and teaches essential skills to deal with workplace issues and increase employability. It helps you to manage workplace politics. You can seek personalised skill-based therapeutic counseling and coaching sessions to be successful in your chosen career. You will build a corporate personality, character, and attitude and develop and implement a professional success strategic plan. Learn the essential business success skills to achieve professional goals.
Conducted both individual and group sessions corporate skills coaching helps in building a functioning organisation. You will be confident in performance improvement and management, target tension and stress handling, emotional intelligence, presentation skills, people management, social skills, networking skills and many more. You can get a tailor-made training program designed to suit the unique requirement of your organisation. Personally, you can engage in leadership mentoring and career advancement program. Both the skills coaching workshops and personalised sessions are conducted virtually.
Many want to own a business. Most of them think that it is easy to do a business if you have enough money. Yes, it is easy to start a business if you have money, but success depends on your ability to build and manage your business and make it your brand identity. The basics of starting a business are your business idea and your passion. The coaching is done in a group as well as in one-on-one mode. You will learn to generate business ideas, make business feasibility checks, develop strategic business planning on a blue ocean strategic platform, building the foundation, the business structure now and then, making business beyond sales marketing strategy, going digital, creating a brand, creating a market space, business visibility and scaling the growth. Any of your individual business demands and concerns can be covered in the program. Sessions can be conducted virtualy.
Success and risk are closely associated and one cannot exist without the other. Risk is present in every level of growth and growth happens only by facing risks. Being successful means you are above all the risks. Risk aversion therapy helps overcome your fear of risks, train you to take risks in life, and build a stronger self that can handle bigger challenges confidently. You will be able to face any challenges while climbing the career ladder. You will master the skills of accepting calculated risks and committing to growing above your challenges. Sessions can be conducted virtualy.
Helps manage different personality types and traits in your team especially difficult personalities or identifying and handling personality disorders in the workplace before it affects you personally. You will learn assertive behaviours and confrontation skills to manage difficult people in the workplace, especially the types of bosses from hell. Sessions can be conducted virtually.
Helps managing the narcissistic personality disorder, building confidence in the victim overcome emotional damages and successfully rebuild their life
Helps you overcome marriage and couple issues, resolve inter-personal and adjustment issues. Prepare you for a successful and happy marriage.
Helps leading a regret-free life, overcome past failures, and achieve your dreams using the power of subconscious, faith and the law of attraction..
Helps overcome issues in your life like personal, professional, financial, social, marriage and family. Attract health, wealth, success and happiness.
Helps you be an efficient parent, a functioning spouse and a responsible family person. You will build parental competencies to create a healthy family.
Helps overcome the mental block, self-blame, hurt, anxiety, panic, guilt and shame and be confident to become successful in your fertility treatment
Helps the teens and preteens to live every area of their life successfully such as personal, study, career, marriage, family, financial and social life
Helps overcome business or workplace issues, workplace politics, improve performance and facilitate professional growth and business success.