narcissistic behaviour
therapy & Counselling

Seek Help — it's never too late

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is on the rise with the current socio-cultural changes. The victims started to seek help cofidently. Narcissistic personality disorder comes under the category of anti-social personality disorder. You need specialised professionals to deal with such antisocial personality disorders. The victims require more help than the narcissist. Because of the narcissistic abuse the victims suffer from lack of self-confidence, self-hatred, self-blame, guilt, shame, fear, learned helplessness, Stockholm syndrome, weak defence mechanism, weak or broken personal boundaries, depression, slave mindset, or a prisoner mindset. They feel oppressed as they suffer the absence of choice. To bring life back to their life the victims must undergo uniquely designed skill-based therapies.

As narcissist cannot understand emotions like empathy or fear they tend to be cold and unfeeling to their victims. They are selfish and they don’t realise it. They create a spider web for their victims and ensure that their victims are always there to serve their selfish needs. They make their victims helpless and hopeless, destroy their self-confidence and self-esteem, social and family connections and networks, they make them dependent and selfless beings. The victim started to believe that they do not have a life without their narcissistic partner. The victim's life is like a living cadaver that has no personal choices, likes, wishes or rights as they are manipulated and used by the narcissistic person for his advantage. It is not easy to spot a narcissist as they project charming personality elsewhere. Narcissists often possess a carrying personality. They found to be successful in their chosen field of career, performance or in the social scenarios. Their ability to gaslighting the victims are unimaginable. Narcissists possess an inflated ego that is fragile and they are always the guard of it. They live in the constant fear of ego damage and therefore make life miserable for their victims.

Living with a narcissist is like draining your energy, passion and losing your individuality. The victim's decision to stay or leave the relationship decides their need to seek help to learn the skills, create the right mindset, build their confidence, and redesign and rebuild their life. How they got their relationship so far will not help them to create a new life. The victim needs the expert help to deal with any narcissistic relationship, may it be spouse, lover, friends, boss, colleague, in-laws, siblings or parents. When you doubt you are in a narcissistic relationship, seek help as quickly as possible.



Helps managing the narcissistic personality disorder, building confidence in the victim overcome emotional damages and successfully rebuild their life


Helps you overcome marriage and couple issues, resolve inter-personal and adjustment issues. Prepare you for a successful and happy marriage.


Helps leading a regret-free life, overcome past failures, and achieve your dreams using the power of subconscious, faith and the law of attraction..


Helps overcome issues in your life like personal, professional, financial, social, marriage and family. Attract health, wealth, success and happiness.


Helps you be an efficient parent, a functioning spouse and a responsible family person. You will build parental competencies to create a healthy family.


Helps overcome the mental block, self-blame, hurt, anxiety, panic, guilt and shame and be confident to become successful in your fertility treatment


Helps the teens and preteens to live every area of their life successfully such as personal, study, career, marriage, family, financial and social life


Helps overcome business or workplace issues, workplace politics, improve performance and facilitate professional growth and business success.