Marriage Counselling
& Coaching

Seek Help — it's never too late

Marriage is the base of every family. Marriage counselling helps couples understand and resolve conflicts as well as personality differences and improve their relationships. The marriage or couple counselling and guidance will help you identify the root cause of the problem so that you will make thoughtful decisions about either rebuilding and strengthening your relationship or going your separate ways. Staying or not staying in a relationship is a vital decision to make when you are faced with abuses. Victimisation in marriage by a partner is painful and need careful intervention. You need proper knowledge and skills to manage your marriage and partner.

Marriage counselling typically includes both partners, but sometimes one partner chooses to work with the therapist alone. The specific treatment plan depends on the psycho-familial situation and the nature of the problem. The problems can be diverse like couple relationship issues, physical and emotional abuses, communication issues, compatibility issues, extended family interference issues, relationship cheating issues, spouse psychological state and personality disorders. Couple mediation is done where the couple has differences in their decision-making and compatibility issues between the partners.

Marriage preparation is given as skills-based mentoring and coaching sessions where you will gain expertise in dealing with family interpersonal relationships, expectations management, emotional intelligence, conflict management, intimate relationship handling. Today's young couple are confused as they are more books or filmy oriented than practical oriented. As a result, they suffer unrealistic expectations and strain their relationship. You should seek help when your relationship started to fall apart. Please do not seek random help; instead, seek authentic professional help when dealing with your family issues. You can join Dr Susan's virtual sessions online from any part of the world at the comfort of your home.



Helps managing the narcissistic personality disorder, building confidence in the victim overcome emotional damages and successfully rebuild their life


Helps you overcome marriage and couple issues, resolve inter-personal and adjustment issues. Prepare you for a successful and happy marriage.


Helps leading a regret-free life, overcome past failures, and achieve your dreams using the power of subconscious, faith and the law of attraction..


Helps overcome issues in your life like personal, professional, financial, social, marriage and family. Attract health, wealth, success and happiness.


Helps you be an efficient parent, a functioning spouse and a responsible family person. You will build parental competencies to create a healthy family.


Helps overcome the mental block, self-blame, hurt, anxiety, panic, guilt and shame and be confident to become successful in your fertility treatment


Helps the teens and preteens to live every area of their life successfully such as personal, study, career, marriage, family, financial and social life


Helps overcome business or workplace issues, workplace politics, improve performance and facilitate professional growth and business success.